Had a meeting in Lewes today and drove back via Ringmer. This is a view of the downs just outside Ringmer driving from Lewes. A bit of a grey, damp day today but hey, spring is just around the corner!
This is another reworking of a painting I made last year and was never really happy with it. It is a farm road near East Dean off the main road from Birling Gap to the village.
This is another windbent tree on the road between Eastbourne and East Dean. Slightly more green appearing and though it was cold today, at times yesterday there was definitely a 'spring feel'.
This is a view of the new Towner Cultural Centre next to the Congress Theatre. I've seen inside and it's BRILLIANT. I'm really looking forward to the official opening which should be early in April.
Well, what a day! It was a beautiful, bright day today and I had a meeting in Brighton this morning so drove via Lewes quite early. This is a view looking south towards the downs near East Dean. SOLD
Today was about the worst day weather wise EVER! Cold, rainy and windy but I bet that when I'm looking down to earth a hundred years from now I'd give anything to be back here in 2009! This is a view towards the downs from the road leading into Alfriston from the A27.
Dropped off some paintings to The Wingrove House Hotel in Alfriston today. This is a view from the back of Moonrakers restaurant looking towards the church. It was a pretty bleak day today (with a little snow).
After a weekend of freezing weather it finally started snowing last night. I love the way it changes the pace of daily life. Everything slows down a little as people take more care walking and driving. This is Hurst Road where I live and work. SOLD